Friday, May 24, 2013

Man Up or to the Dog House!!!

How well do you know your Fiancée?
Response to Bear
Response to Penguin

What is our Anniversary?
20th April 2008
8th February 2011

What date did you propose?
20th June 2011
8th March 2012

Best childhood friend?

Most hated body part?
All of it.
Legs and teeth.

Most loved body part?

What is my Lifetime dream/ goal?
To be a TA and married with children.
Work with kids, feed penguins
Feed Themba (White Lion @ WHF)
Go on an experience with Lion.

How many children do i want?

What are my fears?

  • Sound of a Hoover
  • Darkness
  • Vegetation
  • Aeroplanes
  • Spiders
  • Heights
  • Deep Water
  • Vertigo
  • Small Spaces
  • Loud Noises
  • Being Alone
  • Darkness
  • Losing loved ones
  • Deep Water

What is my favourite hobby?
Sewing, Cake Making & Ponies.
Making Dresses.

What are my Brothers & Sisters names and ages?
Adam, Louise & Ryan (Got all ages and Birthdays correct!)
Richard, Linda, Adam (Only knew Adam's age)

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