Penguins Army

Rocky <3
African Grey Parrot
4th July 1993

Yes he is my baby even though he is 9 days older then me. He is rather friendly. Loves giving kisses and playing chase with us. But he can also be the biggest pain in the bum in existence! He throws his food out if he wants attention, or to eat what you are eating. He has a shower as soon as you put the hoover on and splashes as close as he can to it and has a habit of biting what he shouldn't if left to himself. Oh and pooing on anything from his toys to the carpet. But all of this makes him my lovely little fella. As with all my babies, I fell in love with him from the moment I saw him. And love him at times only a mother could! He loves banana (and flicks it EVERYWHERE when he eats it) And only likes to stand on the right side of someone. Well normally anyway. He's in love with Bear's man Matthew!! He dances! Makes so many strange noises and likes to copy the fire alarm.... Like I said, even when only a mother could.  

Kari <3
Hetro-Ebony Chinchilla
15th March 2011
Born 15th of March and came home of the 16th July. This beautiful little ball of fluff was my 18th birthday present from Simon's mum and dad. I had always wanted a Chinchilla (And a dog) and decided that this was the best time to try my luck. Simon's mum was regularly seeing a Chinchilla at her youngest son's school and falling more and more in love. And they allowed for their 'no more pets' rule to be broken for Bear to get 2 of her little fluffies. And we can't have one rule for one and one for the other now can we?! So little Kari came home with me at 4 months old . He loves cuddles but is always to hyper to have them for long. He recently (14.01.13 on wards)  has started running around the front room totally free (after Chinchilla proofing of course!) He loves treats and throwing his food bowl around... He loves toys, tubes especially and to chew everything! He also loves being social. Be it with the humans in our family or the other fluffballs. I say fluffballs because he hasn't really met the non fluffy animals we have. Where as he'll give the hamsters kisses and run around with the rabbit. There is just too much I could say about my little baby.  

Mitzi <3
Mexican Red Knee Tarantula
November 2009

This little lady was in Simon's life before I was. She was meant to be going to a zoo, but Simon acquired her instead. I thought she was a pretty girl as soon as I saw her! But i never thought I would hold her... Like Simon was going to let me get away with that! But I did man up and hold her. And once I started I haven't stopped. She is so friendly and has never even dreamed of hurting anyone or showing any sign of aggression. If fact she often 'lays down' and gives your hand a hug when you hold her. She's a bit of a fatty as she loves eating and isn't known for saying no thank you if you feed her. Which is nice. I'll always love her 1. Because she is my little girl and 2. Because she is the first tarantula I held. And now I have the confidence to hold others. Always nice to have one less thing you can't do! 

Tulay <3
Chilean Rose Tarantula
4th October 2011

The younger of my two and only girls. She isn't sure if she likes people or not. We held her when we first got her and it was lovely. But then we tried to feed her and she showed how she attacks without warning with the tongs we used to pick up the locusts. We do think that maybe she was mistreated by her last owner, as we got her because she was an unwanted pet. She was in an awful state when we got her with a viv full of live food, like crickets, which can kill and eat a tarantula if there is more then one. Never the less, she has never show an aggression to us, but we are still careful around her and don't bring her out often. She doesn't like her viv being sprayed and often goes weeks without eating. We think it's just to scare us. We love her anyway....

Claws <3
Electric Blue Crayfish (Lobster)
23rd June 2012 (I think) - 26th July 2013

This beautiful little Lady of mine used to be one of a pair. Sadly we didn't know how amazing these tiny lobsters are at escaping... So now I'm down to one. Recently trying him with fruit and vegetables as I found out it was meant to be part of her diet. Safe to say that she loves it. She also loves eating anything she can get her claws on. She's terrible for moving everything in her tank around, but I'm happy if she is. At the moment I'm trying to get her used to my hand, in the hope that one day I hold her. I've felt what her back feels like. Oh and her claws. Lucky she's only little so they tickle....

UPDATE: Today (8th March 2013) I discovered that my beautiful little lobster is a GIRL and NOT A BOY as I had thought all her life. I thought that maybe she was a she this morning when I saw the 'swimmerets' (which are the little legs/feelers under her tail) and me and Bear investigated.  After the first time looking we still thought she was a he. But we looked on the net at how to sex a lobster for a picture of one for the post on this blog we were doing and decided we needed to look again. And low and behold she was a she!

Alphabet <3
Hypostomus punctatus OR Hypostomus plecostomus (Suckermouth Catfish) (Known as a common Pleco for some reason)

Alpha bait carrotop diablo esparento fishywishy galaxy hamlet iris joey kraken larry mr.nibbles napoleon otto peco qrazymoto rocket southbound tasuki uncia valentino whitepug xavier yabba zodiac I. As my dear finacĂ© decided to call him. I call him 'Alphabet' for short as he has every letter of the alphabet for his name. The worrying thing is that his name ends with 'the first' or 'I' if we are doing it properly. He has a friend, another common pleco who is much bigger then him. He was the biggest till we moved him to a bigger tank. He loves it though! More space and he loves having a bigger friend to follow around and play tag with. Not even in a mean 'I'm going to eat you' way.

Stumpy <3
2nd June 2011 - 18th July 2013

Stumpy is the most loving cat in the whole world! If he sees someone sat and the floor he will walk over and climb on their lap for a hug (or run over if it's to mummy). Which is hard for him with his legs. He has the name Stumpy for a reason (even though I didn't give it to him). His front legs are much smaller and his back legs much longer. Vets think that he's had it since birth. He has only been with us for about 2 years, before that he was a wild cat. He lived under the car we had in the back garden and when the weather was really bad, we think he stayed in the fox's dens with them. We used to feed him and he used to share it with them. He's deformed in quite a few ways. Poor little fella can't even groom himself. But me and Bear help with that problem. He is always there when I need a cuddle and he loves me unconditionally. And as a stranger coming into the family, he understands how us ladies feel! 

Lovey <3
Emperor Penguin
29th December 2011

Now, If you have seen any pictures of this dear penguin of mine, you will know that he isn't technically a 'real' pet. Yes he is a teddy. But he may as well be living. There are 7 adults and 2 children in this house, all of which talk to this penguin and act as if it was living. (Yes, even the parents do). He even came on holiday with me in 2012. So he is as good as real for now. And he will be something my children can talk to and act as if he were real to. So, you can play pretend to! His personality depends on who is holding him, as does his voice. But no matter what he can only talk penguin. "Watt watt watt watt watt" as he would say.  

When it was just Rocky, Kari, Stumpy, Mitzi, Tulay and Alphabet. We had a 'Family photo'  or two. Without Alphabet of course as he can't come out of water.We did take one with all but Tulay. I wanted one for agessss and when I finally got one and we got Tulay. Didn't take long to get another one though, but 5 pets at once can be quite hard to handle. I may of had only 2 out of the 5 but I and the most difficult 2!  <3

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