Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Claws in the Paddling Pool

When it is stupidly hot, like it has been for the last week or so, it's nice to go in a pool and cool down. Especially if it's a nice big one. 
So if we like it, you can only imagine how much a blue lobster loves it!
We decided we wanted her to have more space for a bit and get some sunshine! And we had the paddling pool out already... So a brilliant plan came to mind!
She was such a happy (no so) little (any more) girl! She was running round and getting some proper exercise and she'd missed having a bit of light, as her tank doesn't have one. It was really nice to see her so happy!    

I am always calling my lobster a little blue. Although she is at lest three times bigger then she was when I first got her. So she is very un-little now really. But I have now worked out why I always do it! If you can't tell by my name, I love penguins! And the little fella in the picture below is a special type of penguin. He is called a 'Little Blue' or 'Fairy' Penguin. Little blue like my lobster.
Claws is a mini penguin in training!

- Bear and little blue penguin x x x

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