Today is the first day of our residential. We packed for a few weeks rather than a few days!
We made our way to Prince's Trust and started to get our kits together with all our tents, waterproofs and boots in. We had teams getting climbing kit ready, cooking stuff into the trailer and everything else we could possibly use. We managed to fill up the trailer to breaking point with all the equipment 14 of us would need!
We all sat down and picked our three day meal plan ready to go shopping. We went for spaghetti for the first night and a fry up and BBQ for the next. I think BBQ was the easiest meal to choose!
When we got to Chatham's ASDA it was Bears job to send everyone out to get everything bit by bit. We had groups running off gathering everything it was hilarious! A lot quicker too! Maybe everyone should shop like this in future and supermarkets will be less busy and much more fun!
It took like forever to get to Broad Stairs Warren where we were camping. Penguin fell asleep for the whole journey there balancing on a panda pillow. We unloaded and set out our tents.
We split into groups to cook and gather. Penguin helped to cook a yummy dinner and Bear fetched fire wood. Tons of it - enough for the whole trip with a load left over.
We played on a slack line and inevitably failed miserably. Bear and Amy managed to walk across a few times with a little helping hand but planking along it went terribly. We looked less super hero and more dirt munchers by the minute.
After dinner we waited around to get ready for abseiling and we decided to get into our onesie and got abseiling like it. It was ages until we left and we both got way too hot and decided not too but it was fun running around in there for a while.
The abseil was 40 feet high and very scary!!! It was easy once you are on the walk down but leaning over the edge was the hard part! It was very dark by the time it was our turn to go down but in a way that made it easier and a little less scary as you could see less of the drop!
We got back and roasted marshmallows and ate cheesecake over the massive campfire we had and sing along to stupid yet classic campfire songs!
- Bear & Penguin x x x
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