Friday, July 05, 2013

Prince's Trust Day 5: Home time!

Camping really does take it out of you! Although we were sad it was coming to an end for all the excitement, adventure and good people we were looking forward to getting home! Especially so we could see the fluffies and the boys and catch up on all the hugs and kisses we missed.

We were so tired and nearly fell asleep on the train but we got home and had a well deserve shower! A full on scrub to get all the dirt off of us, it’s worrying when the dirt comes off and you have less of a tan than you thought you had.

We got home to an empty house as the boys were at work but it gave us a chance to transform to the Bear & Penguin they knew rather than the cave woman look. They were so happy to see us and really missed us. We are rarely away from them so I guess it was just as weird for them as it was for us.

All in all it was an amazing time and we are going to keep trying new things and conquering new challenges. We really learnt a lot about how much we can really achieve and let us set ourselves higher goals for the future!

- Cave Bear & Sleepy Penguin x x x

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