Saturday, May 04, 2013

Cake, Cake and more Blue Cake

May the 4th be with you!

For years and years our nephew has had his cakes made by his Nanny Paula. But not this year!  They have let us loose and said bake... bake away to your hearts consent!

We decided to make two to make it easier for us and make more sense as he has a family party on his birthday and his friends party a week later. 

His first cake for the family was a one tier, blue sonic cake. Fairly simple, not too big or too small and took up an afternoon. Lots of fondant colouring, gum trag and precision slicing. It was great fun and everyone loved it. He specifically wanted blue buttercream for the filling. What the boy wants the boy generally gets. 

We planned out his two tiered friends party cake and made a paper version a couple of weeks before to help us plan it out easier and make sure we had all the colours and got all the little details ready.

 He had a complete sonic scene; a bridge with jumping robot fish, a star post, sunflowers, chequered walls and grassy bits. It obviously took about twice the time as his smaller cake but it was worth it as he absolutely adored it and all his friends were very impressed with it. 

It was a fair bit of work - but enjoyable. 
Even our Harley helped! I kept making weird clouds and palm trees so she drew me some to help...

Cannot wait until next year. Bigger and better! If its even possible!

- Bear & Penguin x x x

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