Friday, March 29, 2013

Wife swapping without the husbands…

So last night (27th March 2013) Penguin went to sleep next to her Clouded Leopard (Simon, for those of you who haven’t read about him on the other page). And 2 of her girls Mitzi and Tulay, (again for people who haven’t read the pages, they are tarantulas. Now go read the other pages and come back to this one!) . But when she woke up In the place of the Leopard was a beautiful Bear with a Hamster in between the 2 and a fluffy ginger Cat at the bottom of the bed. Turns out they had been there for 2-3 hours while Penguin was still sleeping. And after Penguin woke up we did still not move for about 20 minutes.


When  we did move, we only went to Bear’s bed anyway. But while there we decided we wanted chips with curry source. Neither of us wanting to get up, get dressed and go to the chippy,  decided to pick what each other wore. And what ever we chose, the other HAD to wear…. Lucky we were both in a good mood and was nice to each other. We both picked out the same colour shorts and top (yes we are starting to think we spend too much time together too..) And off we went!

But we went to the chip shop there was no curry source! But we put up with what they had and walking home had some brilliant ideas!

1. There should be a curtain amount of free food allowance for everyone. If people want more then that THEN they pay. Would stop people struggling for food and if people really want to be fat they still pay for the privilege! 
2. Each country should put all their money, every penny, in a bank. Let the interest build it up and we’d all be rich!

3. Changed Adam’s (if you don’t know who he is then you haven’t read the other pages and I’m not telling you anymore) Bi-polar cat’s name. She was called Bear, after the beautiful Bear who owns half this blog. But the cat is evil and them both having the same name was confusing. So she is now called Meg.  (*Disclaimer* WE, BEAR AND PENGUIN, DID NOT CALL THE CAT BEAR IN THE FIRST PLACE. WE KNEW THAT IT WAS A BAD IDEA AND THAT IT WOULD CAUSE PROBLEMS AT SOME POINT. NOT EVERYONE IS CUT OUT FOR BEING A BEAR!)

Then we found sugar. People should not leave Bears or Penguins with sugar. Especially when they are together! So while ‘watching’ (we never actually watch the films we put on) Paranormal Activity 3 we entertained ourselves. Have you ever seen green Sprite? It taste like bubblegum, is flat and so much fun to make! But when there are plans for the sherbet in a Wonka’s dip-dap, what else can you do with the lolly sticks other then bite them in half and use them as bunny teeth. (Or in penguin’s case take a picture or two with both ’teeth’, eat one of them and then just carry on with one). Then we ate muff….ins (and we wonder why people think we’re gay)

So nothing special really happened today. But us being Bear and Penguin, can make any day interesting enough to blog about! 

And when we blog we go crazy and do this... Somehow we got to this point... you can work out the many possible kitties are sleepy!

- Bunnies & Kitties x x x

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