Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Since when was the Easter Bunny Incestuous!?!

What do you do when you need to get a present for Easter for people, but are told not to get an egg because it will probably be wasted? This is the latest problem Bear and Penguin faced. 

The solution? Easter baskets! Give them a bunny, a bit of chocolate and some Easter decorations in a basket and you are fine! And that’s what Penguin decided to do, with some help from Bear as always. Which meant another day shopping. 

And where's Easter without some fun after school childrens crafts! Our nephew loved making his little Sermy the Lamb and Sock the Chicken (He always comes out with creative names!). Penguin had Cutie the Bunny (Again named by our nephew!) and Chirpy the Chicken. Bear had a very creative Baa Baa the Lamb and Bun Bun the Bunny :D. 

What would happen if everyone had babies with everyone?

We were playing with our nephew on Bear’s new app on her phone. If you took photos of 2 people, it mixed their faces together and you can see what your children would look like. We have a big family so lots of faces to mix together. We were at it and having such fun a laugh for AGES!!! 
Bear’s and Penguin’s babies would look cutest though!

If we were to breed...

- Bear && Penguin x X x

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