Monday, March 04, 2013

Let's relive our diaper-days! And Make Teddies...

As with pretty much every week lately, when one of us go to town, we both meet up and shop. We normally have a plan in what we are going to get before hand, but today was not one of those days!

It all started with looking for grey material for Penguin to make a Kari. Bear had been making hamsters for her girls and Penguin wanted to learn how to do it (as always). So off to primark! We found a top fitting enough in colour but decided to keep looking around anyway... And it took us to the children clothing floor. We found a some tops that were aged 12-13yrs that Penguin could fit into and it just took us both back to the days when we were that young!

Penguin got one of the tops (It had a leopard on it, how could I not?!) and some headbands with cat ears on them and decided that 50p was a bargain! (yet more matching-ness). And then, when lining up we saw the surprise bags. We are suckers for awesome-ness, so we hate it when they put the awesome things as the impulse buys... And we were just in the mood for re-living our childhoods! So Bear got the Hello Kitty one and Penguin got the Minnie Mouse one.    

Then there were 2 empty bellies.. We went to Mcdonald's and nothing but a happy meal would be good enough and in keeping with the theme! (We wanted the toys....)

But there are some advantages to being older! We decided we wanted some booze for while we were making the animals. We both LOVE Woo Woos and when we found a almost ready made one (And remembered the vodka we needed to finish it was at home) for only £2... How could we not!

Penguin: I should probably explain why I am sat on a wall  outside ASDA putting a sock on....
When it's cold my feet swell up.. And it was a cold day! The whole point in going to ASDA was for socks, the booze and socks was just because we are REALLY bad at not buying stuff when we see it and want it... 

This is the Kari and Hamsters I was talking about. The Hamster Bear is making here is Lily.

-Bear .&. Penguin x x x 

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