Saturday, March 30, 2013

Do you find the Dress guilty...or not guilty! DUN DUNDUNN

Ahh the mornings when you all jump into one bed... and the little one said...SAY CHEESE!!!

Obviously before an event where you made the dress you have to trial it for comfort... Lets just say the dresses were guilty of two counts of itchiness beyond belief and BEARability! 
Where we had joined the top to the bottom we had accidently created an itchy waistline and zipline.
Thank god we wore them before the Easter hunt they were ment for! The evidence was over whelming!!! 
We still love them and it is a very fixable problem so we sentence them too...
...1 month without wear and multiple stabs with a needle! BAM!

Because the  Incredibooth App is AMAZING!!!

 Manga Camera TOO!

- Bear & Penguin x x x

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