Monday, March 18, 2013

Bear...Penguin...Lion...Chicks...&...Romantic Kitty!?!

What the hell...Seductive Kitties!?!
When planning a romantic evening for you and your other half, curtain things make it better. One tip though, if putting petals on your bed is one of the things you feel you need for this, make sure the cat is off the bed.

Tweet Tweeet

No Easter basket is complete without chicks. And Bear and Penguins being the idiots that they are decide to make more work for their selves we decided to make them. So now we have funny  looking chicks!

We're all going on a... Bear Hunt

We were playing ’We’re going on a Bear hunt’ with our nephew. And the 3 of us were taking it in turns to be the Bear. Whoever had the Bear hat, was the Bear.

To play ‘We’re going on a Bear hunt’ you have to act out the book by the same name.

Then the game changed… Penguin was in her Lion onesie, (we like to be animals a lot okay? In that one day we were was a Bunny, a Bear and a Lion!) And it became we’re going on a Lion hunt!

- Bear & Lion!?! x x x

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