Sunday, April 14, 2013

Shorne Woods Country Park with Kev

We love our Kev very much. He has been a dear friend for so, sooo many years now :D We thought we owed it to him to have a lovely day out at Shorne Wood Country Park.
We did the fitness trial – which apparently we are terrible at but it was hilarious. Kev was the only one that could actually do the monkey bars without just swinging limply!
We found the worlds most amazing swing! Everyone should have one in their back garden! An electrical one maybe so you can push yourself!!! It was pure heaven… in a swing! There was a cool slide yet it doesn’t work. It was broken, as you would stop on the bump in it – which was fairly annoying! We found all sorts of fun in the parks and Kev taught us how to master the obstacle trials they have there which was hilarious so que a Kevs’ How –To Guide at some point! We congratulated ourselves with a Twister… yummy!
Then we finished with an amazing four hour walk around and visited the Faerie Ring.
Overall it was an amazing day and so good to have a day full of sunshine and get outside in it! 

We signed the guestbook xD

- Bear & Penguin x x x

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