Friday, April 19, 2013

If you go out in the woods today You're sure of a big surprise... Because of a Werewolf and ghost, not Bears this time...

Ghost hunt in ‘The Warren Werewoods’

Penguin’s Leopard, Simon, likes to do silly, funny things on the internet with his Panda cousin Peter. This is their you tube site :

Just in case you are interested.

They thought up a new idea, based on an idea that they had already had for a different video.  Neither of them believe in ghosts. They had done a video before where they were in a back garden doing a silly version of one of the ghost hunting shows. But it was just the two of them. This time they invited Bear, Penguin, Bear’s Panda Matthew and their little brother Sammy the Lemur.

So the six of us went off into the deep dark woods (As if we were going on a bear hunt)  ‘we're going on a bear hunt. We're going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day! We’re not scared’.

Yes, we are going to use the story to tell you what happened…

We’re going on a ghost hunt
Kirsty Bear & Penguin Ellen

Uh-Uh! Dark woods! Very dark woods! We can’t see over it. We can’t see under it. Oh no! We’ve got to use a torch!
Bright, bright! Bright, bright!  Bright, bright!
We’re going on a ghost hunt. We’re going to see a big one. What a beautiful night! We’re not scared.
Uh-Uh! A trunk!  A long tree trunk! We can’t go under it. We can’t go through it. Oh no! We’ve got to go over it!
Stumble, trip! Stumble, trip! Stumble, Trip!
We’re going on a ghost hunt. We’re going to see a big on. What a beautiful night! We’re not scared.
Uh-uh! A hole! A big round hole! We can’t go over it. We can’t go under it. Oh no! We’ve got to go around it!
Step, step! Step, step! Step, step!
We’re going on a ghost hunt. We’re going to see a big one. What a beautiful night! We’re not scared.
Uh-uh!  A noise! A flying noise!  We can’t see it. We can’t  find it. Oh no! We’ve got to just carry on!
Walk over here! Walk over here! Walk over here!
We’re going on a ghost hunt. We’re going to see a big one. What a beautiful night! We’re not scared.
Uh-uh! The end of the woods! There is a Park. We go in it. We play on the swings. Oh no! We hang upside down from the rope pyramid 
This hunts my belly! My foot is stuck! Help me down!
Peter panda falls to the floor! He’s pretending to be possessed by a ghost!  Why is he Swimming?! IT LOOKS FAKE!!!!
Quick back home!  We don’t need to go back through anything we went though because we can just go around the woods! 
Get to our front door. Open the door. Up the stairs. Oh no! We need fluffy cuddles! Back down the stairs. Get Kari. Back up stairs. Into Bear’s Bedroom. Get the hamsters out. Take pictures.
We’re never leaving the fluffies again!
- Bear & Penguin x x x x 

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