Thursday, April 04, 2013

Congratulations on your new home!

Those of you that have read the other pages, or know us personally, you will know Claws the blue lobster. Well, the little girl has gotten too big for her home, so it was time for a bigger tank.

We are trying her with a longer tank that is about the same height, as the length was the problem (and we already had a tank that would work nicely). 

First off we had a lot of scrubbing to do! Had to make 100% sure that it was clean. Then she got some new (new to her) stones. Then we moved over what she had on her tank (including the penguin that her amazing mum got her.. You can guess who by the animal right?). Only had to move the water after that and it was already for her!

Soon as she got in she hid in her new (new to her) tunnel. 

She hasn't come out since! But we think she likes it.

Side note

As I'm sure most of you know, it's been snowing again! And we didn't realise that little Stumpy was out! So when the poor, cold, funny legged little bundle of joy came in, Penguin wrapped him in a towel and sat on the sofa till he dried up and warmed up.
Such a little cutie!!

Then we washed him with grooming wipes and de-odorised him, dried him then tried his birthday collar on - the blue version of Princess Hollys with added leopard pattern bell and ID tag! Most adorable Stumpy day ever!!!

- Bear. &. Penguin. X. X. X.

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