Sunday, April 28, 2013

Looking Good and Feeling Fabulous!

Always Around To Help Our Auntie Elaine!

Our Auntie Elaine was in the middle of doing a Make-Up Course and needed some female models. So of course there is three women in this household so that’s an easy three more on a peaceful sunny Sunday. Most of all it was nice to relax with the girls - have a laugh and catch up :) 
Here’s Elaine (She’s Lovely and a great Make-Up Artist!!!)

She did do a really, really good job. She did a green/ blue on Carol, a pink on Penguin and Purple on Bear. One part of it was that we needed to have red lips for her to practice. It was rather funny as Bear has ticklish lips. We were all red and looking fabulous J
(Ignore Bears' Heart Monitor - she just has too much love to give!)

All in all it was great fun and she did such a great job we brought Make-Up again (On our Bluewater trip). We went to her place of work and brought the primer, foundation, Red Lipstick and Nude Lip Gloss she used on us. She definitely left an impression.

After we looked all glam with nothing to do and no where to go we decided to take a random walk to the shops down the road to buy something, we had to get out and show the world our new prettiness. We ended up buying a drink and some peculiar Extra Bubblemint. Well at the very least we got some fresh air and a little bit of exercise to stretch our legs with.

We were both very impressed with what she had done, and hope she gets all the praise and credit for the work she puts in with her other customers! It’s nice to see her happy in a job she both loves and is AWESOME at!

Enjoy a funny group photo!

- Bear & Penguin x x x

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