Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to Penguin.
Happy Birthday to you!
Penguin is now 20! Not far off from the massive 21 but the great 2-0 none the less. Marking the end of her teenage years and the start of official adulthood, out of the training stage. She got woken up by our nephew jumping on her singing Happy Birthday like a Penguin. I mean what Penguin wouldn't want to wake up without that on their birthday?
It was operation go go GO with Birthday cards and presents before everyone had to get the party ready. I gave her a card to a Very Special Woman in my Life ( Top-Right) because she is ^-^ she is just amazing! Her Simon gave her a beautiful card too - not as lovely as mine obviously - but his had fractions in it. He actually managed fractions!
We all struggled what to get Penguin for her birthday, even she did. I guess you get to an age where you have most things you want and are too old for the rest!
She got a beautiful cream dress with birds and flowers on it from her Simon. She got a pair of socks with a Stumpy-ish heads on them, a box of her favourite chocolates (Guylian Shells) and a Big Bang Theory t-shirt in Red with the soft kitty song on. I was really impressed with myself for finding something she really wanted but couldn't think of! Bam. She got a spotty top from the in-laws, a chinchilla ball from Sammy and a Penguin statue from our Nan & Grandad. That's most of it from what i can remember and what we have photos of!
As soon as presents were unwrapped it was time to put Kari the Chinchilla into his ball and see if he loved it or not. It took Simon and his dad a long time to try and put the ball together as it was huge and awkward (I know from the experience of Elies' little miniature ball!)
Kari Loved his ball and was running around like a maniac for ages! We even got Elie in her ball and put them in the kitchen to make it easier for them. They had a great game of Chase and Gladiators by running and bumping into each other. We think Kari was purposely trying to follow Elie - it was so adorable! Kari actually looked like a real life Pokémon in his ball. It has his favourite green sparkles on it not red and white but we can imagine!
Kari we choose YOU!!!
We both popped up to the shop for a bit of a walk and some fresh air. Somehow we got roped into going Tesco's to run a few errands on the way but it meant we could get our favourite Snapple's for the way home again! On the way up we got ice-creams but it turned out the "Loving Kiss" Magnums are horrid and sickly! It was like Jam on ice-cream and we both hate jam. They got chucked fairly quickly but the boxes we so inviting and beautiful we kept them. They will have a use at some point.
Again we always find weird people out on our travels and again today was no different. The flower Thief, the Marching Nurse and now the Bump-Tanner. It was so incredibly hot and we find a young girl pregnant and tanning her bump! We could understand if she had shorts on that maybe she was hot but full blown jeans and a bump out and proud tanning away - definitely not a tip we will ever use in the future!
This is us all dressed up ready for the party! Even Lulu was there... mostly before trying to escape. Birthdays are such great opportunities to get some group photos done and thanks to Matt for taking them! In the final photo of most of us there is from left to right - Sammy, AJ, Bear, Penguin, Simon and Adam. Shame it was too hot to stay in my dress all day but at least my Bear ears stayed on. We didn't dress the same but our dresses were pretty similar!
Penguin does like her beer and she got a load of Tiger beers for the BBQ later and we decided to practice our wedding drinking with our arms entwined. It was super romantic and we have definitely nailed it for the big day! As me and Penguin was outside and she was looking rather gorgeous in her new dress and lovely red hair we decided she looked like a lady of leisure and should probably swap the beer bottle for a wine glass and be really super super lady-like.
Our BBQ was amazing even Bears vegesaurus pieces! Well done to the chef, Super Daddy, for staying out there forever in the boiling heat to cook it all. At least he gave his head a bit of cooling off from the sun with the floral mittens! There was soo much there to eat it could have fed us all twice over at the very least! We all pigged out and demolished about 75% of it all. We left a little for later and some for lunch the following day. Hey, you can't let good food like that go to waste!
After the BBQ we did Penguins cake. She very nearly ate it in the morning but she held of until everyone was ready. It was a nightmare getting the candles to behave but we got it done in the end. Her Simon brought her cake out to her and our nephew, as always, helped blow them all out then again on his own! Even though everyone was stuffed with BBQ food they all found room and had a piece of cake. We all loved it and definitely one of the best Bear has made so far even when the design was a little more challenging. By the following lunchtime pretty much the whole entire cake had been demolished which was a first for it to go that quick! Penguin had to reserve her pieces as she had only had a mouthful!
Again we were in a group relaxing in the living room, waiting for all the food to go down enough to run around outside like maniacs! This time it was Bear taking the photos and trying her best to get everyone into height order. It worked well as Penguin was the shortest so was at the front by default on her birthday anyway! Fairly nice photos considering it is so hard to get more than two or three pulling normal faces and not being too silly. We held out for some nice ones... then we got a crazy on!
Even Blackie the Bearded Dragon came out for some fun and games, mostly hugs and kisses on Penguins Birthday! He was so happy as you can tell from his massive black beard!
Once we were satisfied we wasn't going to try all the food we ate again we went outside and played a few games with our nephew, and anyone else crazy enough to join in. Penguins brother Adam took the photos as he was the smart one and didn't choose to knacker himself out like a small child! We played Stuck in the mud for ages as it was so funny and our nephew loved it. It got to the point where we were all so tired we made it so no one was allowed to run but only walk! There was a lot of cheating and penalties and some excellent funny fast walks, especially from the boys and their super long legs! We tried hiding in the trees, behind our own hands and then finally Bear and Penguin retreated and hid in the garden! Technically we wasn't cheating as no boundaries had been set but they didn't see it that way and we were soon rumbled! After an hour or so we gave up and had a break then played Sleeping Lions. Whoever invented this game is pure genius as all we had to do was sleep and not wake up when tickled or poked!
Going back to the "Penguin only had a mouthful" of her cake - this was the mouthful. It started as Penguin had shoved a piece into AJ's mouth and it went all over his face, some in his mouth but mostly the floor. We cleared up then Bear got her Matthew was a face-cake-smash! Then we both decided to carry on the theme of wedding practice and caked each others faces. It was hilarious and we both ended up with cake up our noses and a load on the floor, that we again had to clear up! I hope this doesn't end up as a tradition on birthday but just to be sure we may have to keep an extra special eye out on the cake and where it is going!
Our nephew wanted to go outside and play with the sprinkler so we both went out to play with him and cool off a bit. We put on our new matching tops and inevitably got drenched! We both run in front together and because it was Penguins birthday Bear did everything she could to drag her into the middle and get her drenched! Penguin even failed to notice Bear evil plans with the piggy back ride and got a very wet bum! But hey the birthday girl always gets special treatment! Sammy came out to play too and because it was Penguins birthday her Simon run with her too only to be sabotaged by bear by soaking him more! Oops! We played for aged and after a while we were so wet we just didn't care anymore. We did 007 rolls over the sprinkler and started up a little ballet routine, which someday we may have to show you as we are very proud of it.
We did finally get dried and cleaned up into pajamas and lounged outside for a bit sipping our beer and being ladies of leisure. Those benches aren't as comfortable to lay on than they are to sit on that's for sure! The boys joined us outside by making a failed attempt to sneak up on us behind their dad and chilled in the warm outdoorness!
Everyone ended up outside so we played piggy back dinosaurs and decided to go and play some football like we did on Matthew's 24th. It did mean getting dressed again but also meant a great time for a mini after party picnic in the woods!
We accidentally forgot to bring a camera with a timer on it so it meant we had to take turns taking the group photos but they came out funny and we all had a laugh, not all was lost! We are a crazy bunch and sometimes a crazy bunch of penguins!
This is our mini picnic of Guylian Shell chocolates, Giant Parma Violets and a big bags of bacon frazzles. Yummy - all our favourite things which is amazing when we like the same stuff! We were planning to picnic in the woods but for some reason it felt rather freaky in it so we abandoned and ate it on the slide part of the park. We could see everyone playing football and got to slide once or twice. We had lots of fun and it was pretty late before we got home again! Definitely time for sleep!
Adelitas Way is Penguin's favourite band and even they said happy birthday to her! A very very happy but also very spoilt penguin!
Anyway Penguin we all hope you had a fantastic day and can start planning and looking forward to your 21st! Hopefully every year will just get better and better. Now we need to think of ideas for your 21st cake or we will be in trouble if we cannot beat a Penguin dressed as Batman! ARGGHHH!!!
- Bear and Birthday Penguin! x x x