Friday, February 08, 2013

Bees Are Butch not Beautiful

(Penguins Bees & Heart, Penguin being a Butch Bee,
Penguin finishing off the outlines, Penguin & Bears Bees!)

Well they friggin are! Who said that they have to be all cute and buzzing! Maybe they wanna be different. Make rainbow honey and shag like sexes... who are we to judge!

Bear was teaching Penguin the art of sewing and embroidery. So we started with a simple bee. Cute, simple and a good start. Well we went from that to making a pillow hence the "Penguin Butch Pose". Arms were off ready for a floral pillow. She looks fab.
...And manly...

Since we finished the outlines we haven't touch them but one day when they least expect it we shall return to finish them! For good *Evil Shifty Eyes*

- Bear & Penguin x x x 

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