Friday, February 22, 2013

Nerd-Love, Sometimes Too Much!

You should know by our other post by now that we love our nerds. You have seen pictures drawn of them, but now you can see actual photos of them! (Apart from Joe'Charlie Brown' as he had to leave before the pictures were taken.. He had work. Stupid work).

This is what happens when nerds get hyper from pizza. And when Petey (the dude in the hat) holds in all  his hpyer childish-ness while playing the game so they can play it properly. (Petey, Penguin and Bonji discovered the source of the evil hyper childish-ness is in Petety's hat, as Penguin stole it and become childish, while Petey was better behaved).

The top Left picture is all the gang, but Joe'Charlie Brown'. Despite the 2 people (Adnam and Aj) doing a Nazi solute, we are not saying that we support them. Boys will be boys and all that! Petey is looking away.. And is on Bonji's shoulders. JiJi is the best behaved one (Now that he isn't trying to hide is face behind the life sized picture that Leon drew of him...) And of course Leon is at the frount with Sonic. Bear is cuddling Penguin (and looks naked).

The top right picture was inspired by the bottom left one. 'Hear no evil. Speak no evil. Peek evil' as Bear put it!

We love the bottom left photo. Whenever we look at it all we think about is Bonji saying to Petey 'I can feel your ballbag!' Giggle every time!

And finally the bottom right was some what of an accident at first. There was a different group photo without Bear and Petey was meant down in between Adnam and Penguin. And Aj just happened to be behind him, but when everyone moved and we saw what this looked like, being the adults we are, we HAD to get a picture...

To think all this started because Adnam and Penguin had a 'scary hug'! This is why we love nerds!

-Bear & Penguin x x x  

1 comment:

  1. petey look like hes looking at bear lol in the group photo and in the top right photo the crazy things in it :P HAIL HITLER jk dont hes a jurk
