Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Our 1st Completed Dresses!

Our finished dresses! With our classic "Butch Lesbian" pose from our Butch Bees! We both had to take in the tops and shorten the skirts but whollah! Completed - our first ever dress we made by ourselves and trying to use a sewing pattern!
We both cannot wait to find more material for new dresses and make tons of them!! We have made plans to make at least a few more. And possibly not matching ones!
We made little black lacey bows to go over the bits we added the straps too.
They are not perfect we both know it but they are beautiful and function and apparently keeps us out of trouble... like we get into - pfft!

- Bear & Penguin! x x x

Friday, February 22, 2013

Nerd-Love, Sometimes Too Much!

You should know by our other post by now that we love our nerds. You have seen pictures drawn of them, but now you can see actual photos of them! (Apart from Joe'Charlie Brown' as he had to leave before the pictures were taken.. He had work. Stupid work).

This is what happens when nerds get hyper from pizza. And when Petey (the dude in the hat) holds in all  his hpyer childish-ness while playing the game so they can play it properly. (Petey, Penguin and Bonji discovered the source of the evil hyper childish-ness is in Petety's hat, as Penguin stole it and become childish, while Petey was better behaved).

The top Left picture is all the gang, but Joe'Charlie Brown'. Despite the 2 people (Adnam and Aj) doing a Nazi solute, we are not saying that we support them. Boys will be boys and all that! Petey is looking away.. And is on Bonji's shoulders. JiJi is the best behaved one (Now that he isn't trying to hide is face behind the life sized picture that Leon drew of him...) And of course Leon is at the frount with Sonic. Bear is cuddling Penguin (and looks naked).

The top right picture was inspired by the bottom left one. 'Hear no evil. Speak no evil. Peek evil' as Bear put it!

We love the bottom left photo. Whenever we look at it all we think about is Bonji saying to Petey 'I can feel your ballbag!' Giggle every time!

And finally the bottom right was some what of an accident at first. There was a different group photo without Bear and Petey was meant down in between Adnam and Penguin. And Aj just happened to be behind him, but when everyone moved and we saw what this looked like, being the adults we are, we HAD to get a picture...

To think all this started because Adnam and Penguin had a 'scary hug'! This is why we love nerds!

-Bear & Penguin x x x  

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Matching Bags? Yea... We Made These!

This is our practice run of the sewing machine that we named "Jan" in a range of crafty "Perfect Housewives to be" quests! Which are going fairly well so far!
We found some amazing cute material that we couldn't really use for much but we could use for cute bags! And yes amazingly matching bags! We then went on to make our dresses. We had white lining material, white with hot pink polka dot material and black material for the skirt.

(Top Left) Bear sewing her bag with Jan.
(Top Middle) Penguin sewing the last bits of her straps!
(Top Right) Bear sewing on the straps to complete the bags.

(Mid Left) Penguin drawing out the pattern shape for the lining of the top part of the dress.
(Mid Middle) Our completed matching bags. Fully functional even with heavy stuff in! They cant hold as much as some of our other bags but they can hold A4 portrait and landscape! But we are still really proud!
(Mid Right) Penguin sewing the top part her her dress.

(Bottom Left) Our skirt patterns laid out on the floor ready to be cup sewn and attached to the bodice of the dress. which was a lot of fun to do with silly tailor chalk and tissue paper patterns!
(Bottom Middle) Penguin sewing without her "Concentration Poking Out Of The Tongue" face!
(Bottom Right) Bear loving her new bag!

So now we have half-made dresses and an awesome bag! Fashionably matching - which seems to be our new thing! Cannot wait to finish the dresses! It got late and Jan is very loud and makes everything shake because we sew on top speed!!!
- Bear && Penguin x x x

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Our Nanny B has a cottage with forestry land and a wood burner in her living room so every year we go up and help with the logging. Along with the raking of leaves in the Autumn we are like her personal gardening team! (Top-Left) There is Bear helping carry the wood to storage... Matt had a ton. bear had one! Penguin was unable to chop wood like a wood chop would as she still has a damaged wrist. But she has a very helpful Simon to take over her load! 
I, Bear, was pretty useless at first. After a few goes however i became a one hit wonder at wood chopping! And sometimes, just sometimes you can easily get carried away and start shouting:

And then notice the giggled bemused strangers walking past... Oops!
But always a fun day with the family doing ancient activities! No-one else would ever let us lose with a mallet and stake!! Mahahaa!!!

- Bear & Penguin x x x

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Blue Dub-a-Dee Dub-a-Dye

Now Hair... Every woman and possibly man will understand the hell of it! But hey it can be fun! The top left photo is before we began: Penguins hair needed lightening and her fringe trimmed - by a fair bit! Bear needed the inch long roots covered over! The top right is both of us sitting in the bath together waiting for our hair to develop! So we have now above everything bathed together... fully dressed with no water! 
The Michael McIntyre tops was from Matts old work promotion - Hello Wembly XD

Cut Fringe: Check!
Dye Blonder: Check!
Cover Roots: Check!

Dye Fringe Blue: ...CHECK!!!

- Bear & Penguin x x x

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fluffies commit Fraud too!

Lily, Lulu & Elie wanting to see if they looked better as a Bear, Bumble Bee or a Penguin. Or maybe they just had identity issues! 

Kari nibbling away his own Penguin body... he obviously wasn't a penguin. Penguins are just not fluffy enough, but Lions however - they are uber fluffy! Some say fluffilicious!

Lion Holly... RAWRRR
Penguin Bumble... Watt Watt Wat!
 Stumpy the Sleepy Penguin and the Grumpy Lion!!!

This is what would happen if they all disappeared to Blackpool...

- Bear & Penguin x x x

Monday, February 11, 2013

Meerkat Madness

Celia loves Meerkats like soo much.
Bear & Penguin now do not. Who could ever love such awkward little bundles of cute-evil-ness!
Awkward to make, Awkward to Decorate and very awkward to get them to stand up and stay!

Needless to say she really loved her cake and gave us some to share too. It was rather yummy! A successful mission for both Bear & Penguin!

Well the mission was fueled by cocktails nearer the end. What started off to make an "Alibi" energy drink taste nice resulted in a concoction of many many flavor to mask and smoother the evil taste that we started with. its not even that we started with it. It was nice for a second then you just wanted to chop off your taste buds and die. I think we ended up with about 5/6 drinks all mixed in with vodka at the end. We roped-in AJ as our third guinea pig... sometimes first if we didn't like the smell.

We had no choice... The Meerkats drove us to it we promise! They are evil!

We learnt a very valuable lesson through our time with these miniture minions of doom, shouting


 whike whisking the mix is both very appropriate and helpful and highly recommended for all!

- Bear & Penguin x x x 

Friday, February 08, 2013

Bees Are Butch not Beautiful

(Penguins Bees & Heart, Penguin being a Butch Bee,
Penguin finishing off the outlines, Penguin & Bears Bees!)

Well they friggin are! Who said that they have to be all cute and buzzing! Maybe they wanna be different. Make rainbow honey and shag like sexes... who are we to judge!

Bear was teaching Penguin the art of sewing and embroidery. So we started with a simple bee. Cute, simple and a good start. Well we went from that to making a pillow hence the "Penguin Butch Pose". Arms were off ready for a floral pillow. She looks fab.
...And manly...

Since we finished the outlines we haven't touch them but one day when they least expect it we shall return to finish them! For good *Evil Shifty Eyes*

- Bear & Penguin x x x 

Monday, February 04, 2013

The Adventure that Never Was

adventure [ad-ven-cher]
  1. An exciting or very unusual experience.
  2. Participation in exciting undertakings or enterprises.
  3. A bold, usually risky undertaking; hazardous action of uncertain outcome.

                            ........This didn't happen.

The rather genius plan........

We have a mutual brother-in-law called Adam or informally AJ. Him and a small group of his friends get together once a week for a nerdy role-play game. But being us we choose to invade the group, mingle with the madness! They do love us - i think they find us somewhat entertaining at times. We were invited again for the following session (Wednesday 6th February 2013).
Our genius plan was epic on an entirely awesome scale. We baked and baked a beautiful cake. A simple replica of the previous week. 

See isn't it just delightful!?! We were planning to arrive in onesies only to reveal a very, very cunning surprise... along with the uber-delicious scrumptious cake of nomminess.

And what revealing genius plan do you ask? Well everybody loves matching outfits right!?! We previously had the same jeans and same t-shirt. But we went out and got matching jackets and pretty similar shoes. Obviously we were super excited and tried it all on. We were prepared! We were going to freak them right out after our onesie strip-off! 

Nerds + Nerdy Role Play Game = OK

Nerds + Nerdy Role Play Game + 2 Females + Onesies + Stripping + Matching Outfits = Awesome!

Nerds + Nerdy Role Play Game + 2 Females + Onesies + Stripping + Matching Outfits + HANDMADE THEMED CAKE = UnBEARable Awesome beyond believe.

I know i don't know how we come up with these things either. Some people have it and some don't!


What did happen........

Mr Adam had his shifts changed beyond his control. 
So it was officially over. 
No onesies. No stripping. No Freaky Matching Outfits. NO CAKE! 
No nerdy human interaction for Bear & Penguin...
The world was over as we knew it.

So we sit and ponder in a state of disbelief and sadness. What could we do??

Matching Outfits...

But what on earth could we do with these now!?! No nerdy freak outs... no nothing. 
Genius plan = BOOMMM 
Bear & Penguin =    *('-',)*   :'(  SADNESS   )':   <(*, )