Thursday, January 31, 2013

Nerd-Love with added Doodles

(TOP LEFT-RIGHT: Bear, Petey, Joe "Charlie Brown", AJ
BOTTOM LEFT-RIGHT: Adnam, Ji-Ji, Penguin, Bonji)

What happens when you get 6 TTRP Nerds and two Madams together?
Hell? Why no, of course you just end up with penguins, a zebra and some adorable portrait doodles!

All of them were drawn by our younger and possibly more alcoholic friend Adnam.
(Not that there is an alcoholic level beyond ours...)

He started with a little doodle of his TTRP character and it was cute. So Penguin forced him to draw us all. He obviously prefers drawing to pain. We did warn him she bites.

Even though a select few didn't already know us of was related we invaded their group and gave it that feminine touch! That feminine touch that Nerds need so badly!

Now we have invaded we have planted our seeds of awesomeness, they simply cannot work the same without us!

- Bear & Penguin x x x

**TTRP = Table Top Role Play

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Who is Bear? Who is Penguin?

Who is Bear?
Grr... RAWR

My name is Kirsty... Kirsty Bear.
I am 22. 
I love bears because they are awesome. They are cute & cuddly yet fierce and roary! They are fluffy and huggable! Besides who doesn't love bears...
I have a Panda for a Fiancé. Or rather a Matthew that loves Pandas. We are besties and have been together... a long time. I love him very much! (But that shall never stop me wanting to beat him with a pillow... Just saying!)
  • Blackie - Bearded Dragon - 13th October 2007 <3
  • Lily - Chinese Dwarf Hamster - 1st May 2011 <3
  • Lulu - Chinese Dwarf Hamster - 1st May 2011 <3
  • Elie - Roborovski Dwarf Hamster - 14th February 2012 <3
  • Holly aka Princess - Adopted Cat - October 2001 <3

Who is Penguin?
Watt Wat Watt Watt!

My name is Ellen. And by way of elimination i am Penguin!
I am 19.
I love penguins because they are f***in cute, loyal and i cannot help but aww at them. Have you ever seen a baby penguin walk for the very first time?? It is the greatest thing ever! If i could i would steal them all for love and hugs but i behave and feed them instead. But one day... 
I have a FiancĂ© called Simon who is a Big Cat Keeper. He is my Clouded Leopard, as when they find their love they stay together forever... like a penguin!. 
I have a lot of pets...
  • Rocky - African Grey Parrot - 4th July 1993 <3
  • Kari - Hetro-Ebony Chinchilla - 16th March 2011 <3
  • Mitzi - Mexican Red Knee Tarantula - November 2009 <3
  • Tulay - Chilean Rose Tarantula - 4th October 2011 <3
  • Claws - Electric Blue Crayfish (Lobster) - 5th August 2012 <3
  • Alphabet - Pleco - January 2010 <3
  • Stumpy - Cat - 2011 <3
  • Lovey - Penguin - 29th December 2011 <3


We are Sisters. Bear loves one Jackaman lad, Penguin loves another. 
We live together and bake together... a lot! We shop, shop until we brake bones in our backs.
We are not very girlie... Only on the rare "Oh My GODD!" occasion. We have many matching outfits and onesies. Onesies are awesomely snug! We get creative and embark on many adventures and projects. And play Cinderella a lot. Wash, wash, clean, clean & clean out fluffballs!
We scheme master plans... like escaping animals and getting more animals!!!